Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekly Blog 3: Pandas

There is now two new additions to the Panda reserve in Sichuan province! Last week Yo Yo gave birth to twin cute baby Pandas. Bringing this years total number of new baby Pandas to 19, surpassing last year by one little baby. There are roughly around 1,600 Pandas live in the wild today and about 300 that are kept in captivity. Pandas are on the endangered species list because of  loss of habitat, poaching, and their low birth rate. This information is from Yahoo.com.

I think it is great what they are doing with the Pandas. They use artificial insemination to try and raise the birth rate of these beautiful animals and keep them on our planet. I love Pandas they are my favorite kind of bear if I had to choose one. On another note this article kind of made me sick because it brought the thought of poaching to my mind. I'm not one for any kind of hunting, but to kill a animal on the endangered species list just to make money really gets to me. I think it is disgusting people can do that. We all need to do our part in this world to keep it nice for generations to come, and to keep all the wild life we can. So stop having so many babies so we can have room for the creatures, they are more enjoyable anyways. Well most of the time. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Blog 2: Trashed

Naples Italy is experiencing one of the dirtiest and stinkiest problems ever. After the city proposed the creation of a new dump, people went postal. Sanitation workers went on strike and the city protesters started compiling their trash in the streets. 2,400 tons of garbage is now piling up in the streets in Naples, and the European Union is threatening to fine Italy if it doesn't clean it up soon. All this information is according to Mike Krumboltz at Yahoo.com.

This kind of has me wondering, we have so many things and people we take for granted in our lives. Sanitation workers who come pick up garbage everyday have a disgusting and thankless job. But without them our daily lives would be thwarted. We couldn't do the simplest of tasks like drive to work without garbage being in our way. Don't even get me started on the smell. We all take a lot of things and people for granted, I think we should take time in our day to reflect on the little things. So we can start to realize how many things make our lives the best they can be from day to day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekly Blog 1: Proposition 19

 Proposition 19 is the new thing on voters minds in California, it is all about if they should legalize marijuana this November. The law states that anyone who is an adult (21 or older) can legally buy and use marijuana. Now everyone knows that doing drugs is extremely bad for your health so I'm going to give you a little more insight on why it is a bad idea to legalize it. But also give you some in sight into why it could possibly be a good idea too. We will start off with the negatives, first off it is damaging to people's health and making it legal would lure people to do it more therefore making it physically harmful to people in the long run. The president of Mexico calls the law "absurd" and thinks it is going to have a back pedal effect to trying to keep the Mexican drug cartels as less violent as possible. Saying that if marijuana is legalized there will be more violence then ever for American citizens. Some who agree with Prop 19 say that it will create more jobs in the state and diminish crime because violent criminals could no longer profit off the illegal trading of the drug. Legalizing this drug could become the economic boost/stimulant California needs. It's going to be a hard decision for the voters in Cali next month, a recent poll from the New York times says that Proposition 19 in the end will be legalized with a vote close to 52%. The rankings change every week so no one can be sure. All I know is that it could be a very new and most likely hectic beginning for the coast.